Experimental investigation on the friction characteristics of hazelnut powder reinforced brake pad


  • Gülşah Akıncıoğlu Department of Machine Design and Construction, University of Düzce, Turkey
  • Sıtkı Akıncıoğlu Department of Machine Design and Construction, University of Düzce, Turkey
  • Hasan Öktem Department of Machine, Kocaeli University, Turkey
  • İlyas Uygur Department of Machine Engineering, Duzce University, Turkey




Brake Pad, Hazelnut Shell Dust, Organic Additive, Wear-Friction


After the realization that asbestos fiber is harmful to human health, efforts to produce organic and environmentally friendly brake pads have increased.  In this study, an environmentally friendly brake pad (NUS sample) was produced with the addition of 3.5% hazelnut shell powder. Hardness and density measurements of the brake pad sample were made. Chase type device was used for the wear and friction tests. The experiments were done according to the SAE J661 standard. The average friction coefficient value obtained as a result of the experiments was found to be 0.435 µ. Bu değer standartlara uygundur ve “FF” sınıfı aralığındadır. This value complies with the standards and is in the "FF" class range.


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How to Cite

Akıncıoğlu, G., Akıncıoğlu , S., Öktem, H., & Uygur, İlyas. (2021). Experimental investigation on the friction characteristics of hazelnut powder reinforced brake pad. Reports in Mechanical Engineering, 2(1), 23–30. https://doi.org/10.31181/rme200102023a